The IBC Species Maintenance Program

The IBC Species Maintenance Program is a clearinghouse and resource center for all existing available information on Betta species, promotes continued research to learn as much as we can about these species and their needs, provides stock cataloging, breeder networking and offers judging guidance.

If you have information or pictures you would like to share please feel free to send them to us at the link on the bottom. The about-betta-splendens/smp is currently undergoing some improvements and updates so check back soon!

“No one can save them all but everyone can at least save one”

We encourage anyone who wants to help us preserve these “Jewels of nature” to join our discussion group by clicking here.

 The about-betta-splendens/smp does not sell wild Bettas but members will occasionally have some for distribution to other members.

Copyright ©2004-2018 International Betta Congress Inc. All rights reserved.
The IBC & IBC-about-betta-splendens/smp Logo used on these pages are the registered property of the IBC Inc. and can not be used without permission.
For questions in regards to this website, contact the about-betta-splendens/smp Chairperson
Last update: 01/02/2018