Each year the IBC awards the Top 20 breeders with the highest points in the Open Classes for each IBC Area.  This list displays only final Grand Champion results; therefore, will not show the current year standings while the show season is still in progress.

As the current season gets started, go here for the in-progress standings: Point Standings→


Final StandingsVarietyVarietyVarietyWarren
Breeder NameA+B+CDEYoungTotalRank
Obed Gutierrez Mujica204560126033651
Dodi Sunjaya15503156580026652
Sieg Illig127513028016853
ELIECER CASTILLO77021536013454
Jacqueline Gray5651056705
Valaree Brown490605506
Alfonso Sosa100852354307
Samantha Perez Bustos04254258
Mel Luke4154159
Mark Simich2353026510
Evan Thio25525511
Richard Laughery2002022012
Luis Gustavo Picart10010020013
Rolando Lafaurie Olivares12512514
Juan Carlos Rodriguez López102016
Bryan Eng Figuera101018
[table “55” not found /]

2019 - 2020 Grand Champion Standings - Area 1

EntrantVariety TotalsDivisionDivisionWarren Young Memorial PointsShow Year Points TotalRank
Mike Cuaresma129554018351
Christina Simpson101029511514202
Jacqueline Gray9403528012553
Josue Esau Nieves Guzman96028012404
Josue Emanuel Díaz de Lira7151808955
Jorge Camacho Gonzalez465201806656
Siegbert Illig490955857
Hector De La Torre47525805808
Tu Tran40570805559
Luis Alberto Garcia Bernabe29518047510
Richard K Laughery47547510
Mel Luke35010045012
Pat Henry30030013
J.D Anahi Molina Corrales215204528014
Israel Rincon Curiel10010020015
Luis Navarro1603019016
Teodula (Tollita) Pavon Valdivia19019016
Miguel Cervantes Briones16016018
Alberto Gutierrez Gomez10510519
Ginny Landgraf909020

2018-2019 Grand Champion Standings - Area 1

EntrantVariety TotalsDivision 2Division 3Warren Young Memorial PointsShow Year Points TotalRank
Sieg Illig30853203580042401
Mike Cuaresma141058519952
Jacqueline Gray12756513403
Mel Luke100530013054
Missina Burcaw7801522510011205
Pat Henry9159156
Paul & Aurelia Ogles580951007757
Luis Gustavo Alvarez Blanquet4252807058
Richard Laughery3601501606709
Elizabeth Hahn4158049510
Peter DeSouza2708035011
Heidi and Andrew Burkle2457031512
Siul Sanabria10518028513
Ivan Roldan27027014
Reinaldo Cintrón20520515
Salvador Alemany17017016
Kasey Clark1104515517
Siul Sanabria14014018
Andy & Jessaira Charleus80203013019
Luis Navarro12012020
Ashley Rezka12012020
Jackie Hutcherson959522
Karen Mac Auley909023
John Metzger656524
Bill Little20456524
Jim Williams606026
Holly Rutan505027
Brian Fern505027
Urbano Alfonso Sosa Lopez454529
Carlos Pereyra15153030
Jose Lugo202031
Catherine Salmon202031
Guillermo Hernandez Alvarado151533
Hector De La Torre Carrillo151533

2017-2018 Grand Champion Standings - Area 1

EntrantVariety TotalsVariety JWarren Young Memorial PointsShow Year Points TotalRank
Mike Cuaresma273092036501
Liz Hahn143514352
Don Connelly9758010553
Sieg Illig580356154
Ginny Landgraf4151005155
Andrew & Jessaira Charleus4354356
Peter DeSouza250803307
Heidi and Andrew Burkle275202958
Richard Laughery2952958
Jacqueline Gray2452459
Missina Burcaw22522510
Mel Luke858016511
Kenny Seaw/Stacy Fenhaus16516511
Steven Tran6010016012
Bill Little14514513
Holly Rutan12512514
Pat Henry12012015
Kasey Clark11511516
Jim Williams10010017
Karen Mac Auley707018
Kyle Yamamoto707018
Phil Dorr656519
Paul and Aurelia Ogles505020
FC Hsu454521
MaryJo Lambert454521
Ashley Rezka353522
Bobbi Walters252523
Sarawut Korsoongsak202024

2017 Grand Champion Standings - Area 2

BreederTotal PointsRanking
Jolanda Schar1,5601
Kristian Draganovic1,2702
Sabrina Dichne8703
Jasmin Vogtli5504
Liviu Dumitrescu5055
Marco Graf4606
Mihai-Gigi Sirbu4457
Andrej Tihomirovic4308
Michele Sateri3559
Dubravko Kovar34510
Aleksandra Breton29511
Charles-Maxime Baille22512
Josip Kevari19513
Jean-Michel Jeannerat12514
Max Pinel11015
Bertrand Chaffanjon10516
Christian Filbig10017
Rajiv Masillamoni9018
Pavel Jicha8519
Michel Stokkelaar8020

2016 - 2017 Grand Champion Standings - Area 6

NameTotal PointRanking
Eric Tiu20351
Mike Cuaresma5102
Raymond Choo4403
Elson Lee3104
Edmund Tan2605
FC Hsu2556
Ronaldo Alfarenzo2457
Wang Hao Ran2358
Richard Bryce Alegata1959
Huang Wei Ming15510
Weijie Tan15510
Hendry Sutrisno11512
Louis Loh11512
Sky Eng Khong Chuan9513
Jimmy Nallas9014
June Liew9014
Li Cheng Chung9014
Darwin Quaristino9014
Lloyd Reygan Lim Pilapil8515
Kelvin Yeo7016
Dody Hadisaputra6517
Beier Ang6018
Kelvin Lim5519
Gerry Ong Tan5020

The IBC also awards the Top 10 breeders with the highest points in the New Breeder Classes.

2017-2018 New Breeder Standings - Area 1

New Breeder Championships
EntrantShow Year Points Total
Susie Graham
Missina Burcaw2652
Staci Clark1553
Christina Simpson1004
Mackenzie Ferguson205

2017 New Breeder Standings - Area 2

BreederTotal PointsRanking
Martin Sommer7401
Filip Tezak5052
Elizabeth Dichne3003
Coralie Levevre1504
Banchob Kansam-ang1455
Elvedin Golja1156
Luca Dormann757
Xavier Ly258
Amelie Debey109