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  • Kristian Draganovic
    Post count: 72

    On last Area 2 convention i send 3 pairs of wild splendens and one male distroyed female wich was with him in box, normaly he wanted to spawn!
    Why we do not put them in two separate tanks as domestic bettas in pairs?
    It could easily happen again, you can’t have fish in perfect condition and all in one tank, i mean beafore show!
    If there is some hiding place in show tank for female then you can’t see here, how can you judge fish that is in stress and it is hidden.

    Any thoughts?

    Betta breeder from Zagreb, Croatia
    IBC Judge

    Bill L
    Post count: 47

    As a rule I always ship wilds individually. It is just good practice; why take a chance that your pair is going to be damaged in transit.

    Kristian Draganovic
    Post count: 72

    It is not happened in transport, it is happened on show in show tank!

    Betta breeder from Zagreb, Croatia
    IBC Judge

    Bill L
    Post count: 47

    In area 1 shows all wilds are shown in pairs and in separate containers, even the wild splendens complex. I can’t speak for Area 2 however. I keep pairs of wild splendens is 2.5 gal tanks without any issues, but there is plenty of cover in the tank to protect the female should the male decide he wishes to breed.In a show situation where no heavy cover is permitted they should be segregated IMHO.

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