Home Forums Betta Basics Wild Bettas & The Species Maintenance Program Something New — Betta Candy???

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  • Bill L
    Post count: 47

    Preliminary collection information
    A well-known collector of wilds on the island of Borneo has received a new species called “Candy”. He indicates he does not have a specific location for where the specimen was collected. However, his supplier indicated the location was about 300+ miles (500km) from Palangkaraya at the point where East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan connect. He indicated he walked about 3 miles (5km), up and down hills to arrive at the actual collection location.
    As to size, He indicates he believes the max size will be between 2.8” – 3.1” (7 & 8 cm). He admits; however, he has not received any specimens to date, that have reached that size. To date they tend to be around 1.6” (4 cm). That being said, he notes the females appear to have matured to a point where they could be fertile.
    He states the collected fish are a Betta pallifina variety and looks very much like Betta pallifina montoi and collecting locations are approximately 125 miles (200km) apart.
    Currently there are two known pair in the U.S., but you can be sure more are on the way. Photos will be shared as they become available.
    Species will be referred to as Betta sp.pallifina candy for the time being.

    Morgan Ruttle
    Post count: 189

    Bill any pictures?

    Bill L
    Post count: 47

    There are a couple of good videos out there but not any good still photos. I have been checking to see if anyone has spawned a pair. So far, everyone says NOPE! That is until last week at the show in NJ. There was a woman, from NYC I believe, who says she has spawned them. So far, I have been unable to get her to respond to my emails for more details. I will keep trying.

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