Home Forums Betta Breeding Spawning & Raising Fry Betta Foerschi tank set up

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  • steve s
    Post count: 2

    What would be best choice for attempting to start a colony of Betta foerschi? A 20 gallon long tank or a standard size 30 gallon tank? There will be 1 pair – 2 pair at most to start. Can a pleco and a Cory remain in the tank with them? Thanks for your help.

    Stacy Fenhaus
    Post count: 716

    A 20 long would be perfect for one pair, more than one pair would appreciate a bit more room.

    I don’t see why a pleco and a cory couldn’t be tank buddies with them. This species really enjoys leaf litter on the tank bottom, so the cory would have to be ok in that.

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