Something fishy happened last June that has gained momentum over the past year or so.
In the far reaches of the Canadian North a new type of betta has emerged! Spawned between a stuffed animal and a Betta splendens a handful of these new fish made their way across the US border and towards their first show at the IBC Convention in 2015.

Traveling Betta on his way home from IBC Convention 2015
All the stuffed bettas were auctioned off and one particular betta was destined to be Larissa Williams new pet. Larissa purchased this new Red Betta Stuffy and promptly started to post impromptu pictures from her journey home. Many IBC members took to this idea and welcomed updates on her new addition.
In the span of just one short year this little Betta has been all over the world. Traveling by car, water, stuffed into backpacks and even by air. This red little betta has had the pleasure to watch over many chapter meetings, IBC show setups including the Victoria Betta Show and fish room tours.
The International Betta Congress is proud to announce the start of a new interactive social game inspired by the original red plushy ‘traveling betta’. Similar to Geocaches ‘Travelbug’ idea the ‘Traveling Betta’ will be handed off and mailed all over the world. Hosts are encouraged to send in video, pictures and up-to-date logs on what your ‘Traveling Betta’ has been up to.
Not one but two official Traveling Bettas will be available to both IBC members and Chapters. One for North/South America and the other for all other International area. Each person will have a limited time frame before personally handing the betta to another member or mailing it off. Please note that the IBC will not be paying for shipping and that all participants knowingly understand that if they participate in the Traveling Betta they will need to cover the cost of shipping.
- All emailed requests for hosting the Traveling Betta will be placed on a waiting list. Preference will be given to chapters hosting an IBC show so that the betta can be there for the big day.
- After 2-3 weeks max the travelling betta will be mailed off or passed onto another person.
- People will be encouraged to bring the traveling betta to club meetings, shows, local fish groups as well as every day stuff.
- The cost of mailing the Traveling Betta is the responsibility of any one participating.
- We understand that shipping can be expensive so please use the least expensive shipping option, no tracking is needed.
- All media submitted with the Traveling Betta will become the property of the IBC (photo/video attribution upon request).
Use the mail button below to submit your pictures of your time with the Traveling Betta or to sign up for your chance to host our international traveler. You can also check out his very own Instagram account by clicking the button below.
We have a BiColor version… body with yellow fins. He has traveled to our shows. Will have to see where else he wants to go.