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  • Emily B
    Post count: 9

    I am a new IBC member from Iowa. I am interested in both wild bettas and fancy/show bettas. I also keep some killifish.

    I have kept bettas in the past but never bred them; I would like to give it a try. My favorites are pineapples, and I am also interested in the “dumbo” bettas, though it is important to me that the large pectoral fins be strong/healthy and also not prevent the fish from swimming. I have one male with this phenotype who does not seem at all impeded, his fins are healthy and he is energetic, but that is not always the case.

    I also really want to try some wild bettas, but I have yet to determine the best species that will thrive in my water.

    Hope to get to know many of you!


    Bill L
    Post count: 47

    Hi Emily — welcome to the IBC. My primary interest is with wilds … I love them. I would suggest you start with a small mouthbrooder like Albimarginata. Pairs can be bred and maintained in a 2.5 gal or a 5.5 gal aquarium. The other alternative is one of the other species in the Splenden Complex as you have already been involved with B. splendens. Go to the IBC website under wilds and look at the various options. Hopefully we will introduce the updated website we have been working on in the coming months with lots of new information.

    Emily B
    Post count: 9

    Hi Bill! Small mouthbrooders were the direction I was leaning, but I have very hard, basic water, so I want to make sure that the species I choose will be okay with that. I can make some adjustments, but at this time, it would be better to hold off on getting wilds, rather than committing to constantly correcting water parameters. I have a solid science background in Bio and Chem, so I have the knowledge and skills, but right now that’s a commitment I’m not prepared to make.

    I was looking at the picta complex as a possibility – albimarginata is also lovely, but the species profile I was reading suggested larger tank sizes. Some sources say the picta complex are generally tolerant of hard water; other sources say they need soft water.

    I’d love to have a pair of wilds in one of my little 3.5g tanks (filtered, planted); I have a number of small tanks from 2.5g to 10g accumulated over years of frequent moves. Do mouthbrooders do well in reverse trios? I’ve heard some species the females cn be pretty demanding on the males.

    Also, can you give me some advice on the best source for wild betta species? The closest Betta club is several hours away, in Indiana, so going to a meeting isn’t realistic.

    Bill L
    Post count: 47

    Hi Emily — I would watch the IBC Trading Post for species that become available. Aquabid is another choice but that is beginning to be limited to fish you need to import and that becomes expensive. There is a Facebook page that you should watch Wild Betta Community USA. Perhaps you are aware of the site but if not, go join. If you decide on a particular species let me know and perhaps I point you to a specific individual.

    Emily B
    Post count: 9

    Thanks Bill,
    Yes, that is the issue that I have found with Aquabid; I really don’t want to mess with importing. I am rarely on Facebook, but have joined both of those groups (I had not found the Wild Betta Community USA, so thanks for sharing!) and will try to watch what comes available. I think I would prefer to try simplex, falx or picta, so if you know of someone who keeps one or more of those species and might be willing to sell me a pair or two, please do let me know.

    Mr Fran O’Reilly
    Post count: 12

    Hi there Emily! And welcome to IBC!

    I’m pretty new around here too, after recently joining last month. I’m hoping to continue to contribute my skills and offer regular input to IBC. I’m hoping to meet like-minded hobbyists in my area, (Midlands area, England, UK) so we can form an official IBC chapter!

    Enjoy your time flicking through the forums, and be sure to visit the helpful members only content you’ll find in the nav bar above, Flare! magazine being my personal favourite! 🙂

    Emily B
    Post count: 9

    Hi Mr Fran O,

    Forming a new chapter is pretty ambitious – good luck! I’m a good support person, and a decent educator, but my recruitment and advertising skills are abysmal, so there will be no new Mississippi River chapter spearheaded by me.

    What lines are you working on?

    Stacy Fenhaus
    Post count: 716

    Hey Emily, I have some simplex that are starting to pair off. I plan to show some at Convention in June, but will be selling most of them afterwards.

    Emily B
    Post count: 9

    Hi Stacy,
    Definitely let me know when you have some for sale! Thanks and nice to meet you!

    Bill L
    Post count: 47

    Emily — I was going to suggest a pair of simplex rather than picta or falx. I currently have a pair of falx. They are not very colorful and hide all the time. The simplex have nice color and will venture out around the tank. I would keep in touch with Stacy for a pair after convention in June. You also have the advantage of them being tanks raised.

    Emily B
    Post count: 9

    Hi Bill,
    Thanks for the tip!

    Stacy Fenhaus
    Post count: 716

    Not to toot my own horn, but mine are suuuuper friendly.

    I have 10… so far 5 males are showing. Really hoping that the rest are females… not just hiding males. Lol

    Emily B
    Post count: 9

    That’s awesome! I recently got some Killies that were unexpectedly friendly- that was a great surprise. I expect some fish, like domestic bettas, to be outgoing, but I’m always prepared for wild-type fish to be more shy.

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