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Mexico-Canada-USA-Cuba mailing issues are the same ones other Areas have. In Mexico fish cannot be mailed internally either. However with both Mexico and Canada, fish can be driven across the border. Anyway, unless IBC is willing to have each country do its own thing instead of by Area, then changes could be made. Right now a couple members from Mexico may show up in Dallas. That would be great – just like when members from Canada come to convention.

The same problem exists in Area 2. Fish are not mailed. Exhibitors end up getting their fish to friends who are attending the show. Or they pay a long distance bus driver to drive them to the friend.

This is a world-wide issue and Areas work their way around the problems. As long as we want to keep the Areas intact, then we need to accept the problems and deal with them.

I just tried to find the conversation I had with someone in Mexico about transshipping. I do not know how it works in Canada. What I remember in Mexico is that the transhipper buys a license separately for different countries. And it was going to cost $300 for one direction and $1000. for the other. The local transhipper does a lot of business from Asia, but very little from the USA which has its own transhippers. It would cost way too much for the handful of people who may or may not show from the US. And there is no way for them to ship to the USA since the Mexican mail system does not allow live fish. That is what I remember of the conversation. And current politics does not portend well about any future changes in the cross border shipping system.

Since there are more shows in the USA than in Canada or Mexico or Cuba, it does not have a significant impact in the top 10 standings….I hope a couple from those countries make it into the top 10. There is no way they could accumulate enough points to get to the top without coming to the USA and showing here for multiple shows……an expense they cannot afford.

Years ago Steve Saunders from Canada was in the top 2. He did this by mailing fish to one show and having them send on to the net show if it was only 2 weeks apart. I believe the rules have changed to prohibit that.

So, the country with the most shows will dominate an Area. In the olden days, when the show circuit was just USA, people said the same thing about districts – the Midwest was dominant them because 6 of 12 shows were in Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa. The Breeders would walk in with fish – and back then there was no cap on entries per person. So if Randy Barney or Riley Barnett or Chuck Hale showed 75 to 100 fish, it ws to their advantage to have shows they could drive to. People from California or Florida who had to mail just could not afford to ship as many.