Candidate Platforms (Statements)
Lorena Burgueño for President:
Estimados Socios de IBC Mi nombre es Lorena Burgueño y deseo hacer pública mi postulación para presidente del ciclo 2023-2025. Cuento con amplia experiencia dentro de la junta ejecutiva, he realizado una labor muy buena en mi rol de representante de área 4 y en dos periodos de vicepresidencia. He tenido el placer de trabajar con muchos alrededor de todas las áreas para desarrollar proyectos sustentables. He conformado con un equipo de jueces el primer comité de shows virtuales, la generación de nuevas directrices y me siento plenamente orgullosa del trabajo en equipo que hemos desarrollado con los jueces del equipo. También he trabajado con la representante de distrito de área 7 para fomentar el arte dentro de los circuitos virtuales, y he logrado con un colectivo de artistas plásticos en el área 4, formular un manual para los jueces en la clase (arte y artesanías). Hay mucho trabajo aun por hacer y me gustaría poder hacerlo desde la presidencia, he trabajado por años arduamente para aprender de cada posición las responsabilidades que se deben tomar en una junta ejecutiva. Espero poder contar con su apoyo para seguir trabajando juntos, los que me conocen saben que yo no hago promesas, yo las cumplo. Si las propuestas que ustedes realizan mejoran nuestra organización siempre contaran con mi asistencia y mi firmeza a la hora de formular grandes proyectos juntos.
Dear IBC Members My name is Lorena Burgueño and I would like to announce my candidacy for president for the 2023-2025 cycle. I have extensive experience within the executive board, I have done a very good job in my role as area 4 representative and in two terms as vice president. I have had the pleasure of working with many chapters around all areas to develop sustainable projects. I have worked with a team of judges to form the first virtual show committee, the generation of new guidelines and I am very proud of the teamwork we have developed with the judges on the team. I have also worked with the district representative of area 7 to promote art within the virtual circuits, and with a group of visual artists in area 4, I have formulated a manual for the judges in the class AC (arts and crafts). There is still a lot of work to do and I would like to do it from the presidency, I have worked hard for years to learn from each position the responsibilities that must be taken in an executive board. I hope I can count on your support to continue working together, those who know me know that I do not make promises, I keep them. If the proposals you make improve our organization, you will always count on my assistance and my firmness when it comes to formulating great projects together. Lorena Burgueño (A4-Argentina)
Jacqueline (Nicki) Gray for Treasurer
Jacqueline (Nicki) Gray for Treasurer I have been an active member of IBC since 2016, and started showing in that same year. I won the New Breeder award for the 2016-2017 show year. I have been sending my Bettas to shows and competing in regular classes since graduating out of New Breeder and been on the top 10 list every year since until the present. I am retired and have the time and experience to perform my duties as Treasurer of IBC. I ran my own Heavy Construction Business working for the Corp of Engineers and The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service among others. I did my own bookkeeping and payroll under my CPA. I also made my living working as a bookkeeper when I was younger. After being appointed to the position after Stacy Fenhaus resigned, I have spent the time since October 1 learning to do the job as required. If I am re-elected, I would serve honestly and to the best of my ability. Thank you, Jacqueline (Nicki) Gray (A1 – USA Arkansas)
Carlos Gutierrez Area 1 Representative
Buen día. Por medio de la presente les envío un cordial y fraternal abrazo y a la vez aprovecho la ocasión para aceptar la nominacion para representante de área ante la EB. Dentro del IBC tengo relativamente poco tiempo de haberme iniciado (poco más de 2 años) sin embargo dentro de este corto periodo de tiempo tuve el honor de haber recibido el premio de persona betta del año en el 2021 y servicio excepcional en el año 2022 así como mi esposa Samantha mariela el reconocimiento de esposa del año en 2022, somos una familia comprometida y que trabajamos ardua y constantemente para dar difusión en este bello hobby, propusimos la designación del día internacional del pez betta en honor al padre del IBC Gene Lucas la cual fue aceptada y aprobada, por lo que esperamos continuar trabajando en pro de un mundo mejor y por la difusión de este bello hobby. En el caso de ser elegido por el voto de los miembros del IBC estaré trabajando arduamente para tener la base de datos de las membresías al día así como el de crear estrategias dirigidas al incremento de las membresías, las estrategias se dividirán en 3 ejes fundamentales. Eje 1, crear campañas de difusión para que se conozca al IBC, que es, cual es su función y las actividades que se realizan. Eje 2, Dar a conocer las ventajas que otorga el ser miembro activo del IBC, Reactivar y fortalecer los foros con los que cuenta la página oficial del IBC. Eje 3, Con el incremento de las membresías fortalecer a los chapters otorgándoles erramientas informativas para que puedan ofrecer talleres y que se realicen reuniones periódicas para que se encuentren activos constantemente.
Good day. I hereby send you a cordial and fraternal hug and at the same time I take advantage of the occasion to accept the nomination for area representative before the EB. Within the IBC I have relatively little time since I started (just over 2 years), however within this short period of time I had the honor of having received the betta person of the year award in 2021 and exceptional service in 2022 as well. As my wife Samantha Mariela the wife of the year recognition in 2022, we are a committed family and we work hard and constantly to disseminate this beautiful hobby, we proposed the designation of the international day of the betta fish in honor of the father of the IBC Gene Lucas la which was accepted and approved, so we hope to continue working for a better world and for the dissemination of this beautiful hobby. In the case of being elected by the vote of the IBC members, I will be working hard to keep the member ship database up to date as well as to create strategies aimed at increasing membership, the strategies will be divided into 3 fundamental axes. 1, create dissemination campaigns so that the IBC is known, what it is, what its function is and the activities that are carried out. 2, Publicize the advantages of being an active member of the IBC, Reactivate and strengthen the forums that the official IBC page has. 3, With the increase in membership, strengthen the chapters by giving the information tools so that they can offer workshops and hold periodic meetings so that they are constantly active.
Lee Yeon Kyo for EB Area 3 Representative
Lee Yeon kyo for EB Area 3 Representative: Hello, my name is Lee Yeon kyo. I am Korean and I’m very happy to introduce myself to the members. I started playing betta as a hobby around 2015 I started working with an interest in betta association around 2017 At that time, there was no betta competition in Korea, and betta lacked a lot of knowledge about the standard As it’s my favorite hobby, I wanted to let many people know about it. So I got a judge and promoted betta to many people In 2018, with the help of many members, I held the IBC International Betta Competition. The competition was very successful and impressed many people I’ve been EB of Area3 for the past year I’ve adjusted to this position for a year, and I know what to do. I’m sure I can do it better if I can take on the EB of Are3 again. I want to work hard for the development of Are3 and the development of IBC I will work hard to have a happy hobby with everyone Thank you ~!! Lee Yeon kyo (A3 – Korea)
Joty Atmajaya for JB Member at Large
I was the President of INBS in 2003 – 2006 when the club became the first chapter of IBC in Indonesia, and formed the Area 6 together with fellow BCS, TBC, BSM and ABA in 2005 I became the first Area 6 certified judge in 2005, and teach people to become IBC certified judge until today. I promote and let people know about IBC by doing seminars, running and judging shows as well as sending Indonesian fishes to IBC shows in other Area. I am travelling to provinces and other countries for judging and teaching betta using IBC standard. I was the first Asian to judge betta in Area 2 in 2013 at Napoli Aquatica, Italy. Followed by the same event in 2015, and in Switzerland in 2019. I was also judging Area 3 show, in Taiwan 2018 and 2019, Hongkong 2018 and Japan 2018. During the pandemic, I conducted the first Virtual InBS Charity Betta Show to help the breeders and members at the beginning of pandemic in April – May 2020. I also judging many International Virtual Betta Show in Brazil, Philippines, Malaysia, Spain and recently Italy. While doing it I also expanding INBS to be the biggest club in Indonesia with more chapters in provinces and run IBC betta show regularly. We have 7 subchapters throughout Indonesia. The next level I was becoming JB member in 2019 and 2021. Being a member JB At Large bring me to understand that many things has to be caught up to follow the development of the betta scenes, especially come from Area 6 betta breeders. Now I am running again for the 3 terms as JB Member At Large. I have done many things to introduce IBC to Indonesia and SEA regions. Now IBC’s so popular in Indonesia, almost every week we have IBC shown run by many clubs and communities, IBC chapters or non-chapters. We need to carefully watch this development so the IBC standard are followed. We also need to create more certified judges, so every show in each country at least has IBC certified judge and include it in their show. . Based on this experiences, I have the following program: 1. Improve IBC Standard with new developments in Area 6. 2. Expand more IBC shows other area that betta fish and IBC is still little known 3. Run both real and virtual IBC Judging Seminar worldwide 4. Continue updating the translated IBC Standard Manual and Written Test in Bahasa Indonesia. Thank you for reading my above statement and please vote for me to have a better IBC. Joty Atmajaya (A6 – Indonesia)