Home Forums Betta Basics Betta Care Feeding blind bettas

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  • Jason S
    Post count: 11

    I am a big fan of the platinum dragon scale male bettas. Unfortunately, I have at least two of them that are pretty much blind due to what people say is “diamond eye” or “dragon eye.” I thought it would be helpful to others to know that when I had them in a 3-5 gallon tank they had a really hard time finding their food. So much so they almost never ate. However, When I moved them to a 1 gallon tank they found it right away.

    I know someone is going to say you should never put a betta in a 1 gallon tank but in this case it actually allows them to actually find their food and survive. I realize it’s not ideal, but I figure it’s better then death.

    Hope this helps anybody struggling to feed a blind betta.


    Holly Rutan
    Post count: 116

    I have also had a great deal of success with small containers.

    Jackie H
    Post count: 53

    Yep. You will find a lot of us breeders don’t subscribe to the notion that they have to be in large tanks to be happy and healthy 🙂

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